850-332-3188 [email protected]

Parish Breakfast – December 8 2024

:After the 9 am Mass on Sunday December 8 everyone is invited to the Parish Hall to strengthen our parish community through conversation and food. I would encourage everyone to be there regardless of which Mass you attend. To say “Hello” to your established friends...


On the Florida ballot this November is a vote for or againstAmendment 4 to the State Constitution. If passed with 60% or more,Amendment 4 will change the Florida State Constitution to make it a right to kill achild from conception until partial birth. There is much...

All Saints Day and All Souls Day Liturgies

Upcoming Things to Note:  All Saints Day on Friday, November 1, is a Holy Day of Obligation in 2024. We will have the Vigil Mass for All Saints on Thursday October 31 at 6:00 pm and Mass on Friday November 1 at 8:00 am.  We will have an 8:00 am Mass on Saturday,...